
7Gates manages on your behalf all the e invoices requested by the Ministry of Finance and Revenue Administration of the Republic of Turkey such as e-invoice, e-books, e-Archive and the transition to all electronic financial documents such as e-ticket.

The advantages of e-invoice

  • Shortens the business process, makes management easier and provides possibility to track the process.
  • It enables issuing of invoices between organizations faster, and decreases time and costs of issuing invoices.
  • Apart from the advantages of the speed and the safety of the system, this application is also very convenient because it decreases use and costs of paper and printed documents.
  • The e-invoice required by the Revenue Office and the Ministry of Finance completely meets the e-invoice standards.
  • Reduces discrepancies between customers and the organization, increases performance and reduces errors.
  • Quick integration, project duration is short.
  • The solutions provided by 7Gates enterprise resource planning(ERP), as well as the integration of the e-invoice, enables you, within a short period of time, to use the e-notebook that meets the standards given by the Ministry of Finance, without any costs.
  • Detailed information on e-invoice is provided on the web page of the Public Revenue Office www.efatura.gov.tr

The advantages of the e-archive

  • Invoice and e-archive report can be created in electronic environment.
  • It can be confirmed with a financial seal.
  • Timestamp can be used.
  • You can forward the created invoice to the recipient.
  • Your invoices can be stored.
  • The solutions provided by 7Gates enterprise resource planning (ERP), as well as the integration of the e-notebook, enables you, within a short period of time, to use the e-notebook that meets the standards given by the Ministry of Finance, without any costs.
  • Detailed information on e-notebook is provided on the web page of the Public Revenue Office www.efatura.gov.tr

The advantages of the e-notebook

  • Shortens the business process, makes management easier and provides possibility to track the process.
  • Makes you avoid use of unnecessary sources and decreases the expenses in the process of invoicing.
  • Its costs are affordable, and compared to other solutions counseling requirements are lower.
  • The e-notebook required by the Public Revenue Office and the Ministry of Finance completely meets the e-notebook standards.
  • An extra license is not necessary
  • It provides possibility to enter all files and folders within a single system.
  • ​The solutions provided by 7Gates enterprise resource planning (ERP), as well as the integration of the e-notebook, enables you, within a short period of time, to use the e-notebook that meets the standards given by the Ministry of Finance, without any costs.
  • Detailed information on e-notebook is provided on the web page of the Public Revenue Office www.edefter.gov.tr